If you read this blog regularly you know
how much I love The Lord of the Rings.
You probably also know I am a big fan of The
Vampire Diaries. The other day, I was reading this post at The Salvatore Boarding House where
Stephanie compared TVD to LoTR :
Stephanie: Do
you think if we got wizards to replace the witches it’d make the show 100x
better? I mean wizards HAVE to be more competent than witches, right? I mean
Gandolf the Grey totally became The White Wizard because he got shit done.
Cin: Stephanie, you keep
talking about LoTR’s and I’m going to find you and kiss you. Seriously.
Stephanie: LoTR’s and TVD are
pretty similar, right? I mean Stefan is obviously Frodo, Klaus is Golum (but a
hot one at that), and that damn necklace is the ring that must be destroyed. I
could probably make comparison’s to LoTR’s all day
Presented with this fabulous idea, I could
not resist thinking about it and making comparisons on my own.
This is what I've come up with:
ALERT: This post from now on contains SPOILERS for
both LoTR and TVD – that is, for those of you who haven’t read LoTR and aren’t
watching TVD.
Let’s start with the evil of all evils – Sauron.
My whole TVD-isation of LoTR is based on who the TVD variety of Sauron is. I’m
going with the theory of big bad so far seeming to be Mama Original Witch, also known as Esther, or her spirit.
As the power of Sauron lies in the Ring,
Esther’s power lies in her necklace. Hence, the necklace, just as the Ring, must
be destroyed.
The mission to destroy the Ring falls upon Frodo. Stephanie
suggested Stefan as Frodo. However, Frodo inherits the Ring from Bilbo, who
stumbles upon the Ring by accident/fate. Now, Stefan acquired the necklace by
accident after Rebekah had lost it, so that would pretty much make Stefan
Bilbo, not Frodo. But as Stefan doesn’t retire in a home (read: Rivendell) I wouldn’t
make him Bilbo. But first, let’s see: who did Stefan give the necklace to (just
as Bilbo gave the Ring to Frodo)? Elena. So, I’m going with Elena as Frodo.

Frodo wouldn’t achieve much without some
help from Sam.
Elena definitely needs her own Sam. Well, considering that it’s Elena, she could
use not one, but two Sams. Who can think of anyone always tailing Elena, getting
her out of trouble (and into trouble), I ask you? But of course: the Salvatore
brothers. Yep, I've just degraded the Rippah and his crazy, impulsive
brother into hobbits. Hey, they should be flattered; Sam is a kick-ass hobbit.
Besides, Stefan and Damon could also stand in for Merry and Pippin, who often
do something stupid, but save the day in the end.
The Ring/the necklace is connected with two
more characters. Sauron gave rings to mortal men who turned evil and became the
Nazgûl with their leader, the Witch King of Angmar, also known as the Wraith-King.
Esther gave her necklace to Rebekah, who in my opinion will not think twice
about siding with mommy even if it meant turning all evil, thus paralleling the
Next, the Ring was long possessed by Gollum,
a not-thoroughly evil creature, who is hated by everybody, rejected by his
family, miserably lonely. Reminds you of someone? Someone like a bastard son, for
a long time one of his kind, longing for friendship and family, but lacking
skills to form true bonds with other people, therefore wrecking havoc and
bringing violent death everywhere he goes? Klaus. In the end, Gollum is the crucial factor
for the destruction of the ring – led to this by stalking Frodo. I can
certainly see a possibility of Elena having to join forces with Klaus to beat
the greater evil, which will probably be fatal for Klaus just as it is for
Gollum (though, I wouldn’t mind keeping Klaus and his charming villainy around forever).

Moving on, we need some more people on the
good side. First of all, someone must call the meetings, head the discussions,
organise fundraisers and expeditions, make sure the tradition is recorded and
properly observed. In short, someone with nothing better to do to but chair the
Council. We need Elrond. Who better and more experienced in looking important
and giving speeches than….ta-da: Carol Lockwood!

Then, Frodo and his friends need someone who
can handle weapons; after all, there are orcs or enemy vampires or, even worse, Klaus’s hybrid army
all around. In other words, they need someone as skilful as Legolas.
It would be great if he were in good spirits, too. Can you imagine someone like
that, whistling away on the road in the morning after having a shot or two of bourbon for breakfast: “…merrily, merrily, merrily, I’m walking through the
forest / I’ve got a bow and a quiver full of wooden arrows…Wait! What’s there?
Let’s shoot some orcs, I mean vampires, I mean… whatever!” SPROINK! *THUMP*
It’s Alaric!
Who else?! So, now we know why he doesn’t have to eat (too often), he’s an Elf,
a sip of miruvor
(the Elvish drink they brew in Rivendell) = bourbon is enough to sustain him.

Speaking of someone able of handling
weapons, the Wraith-King needs a lesson about underestimating women. It’s Eówyn who defeats
the one whom no living man can kill. I-’m-angrier Caroline would do the job more than
well, I believe.
Some TVD characters are rather difficult to
associate with LoTR, but I’m making some speculations, anyway.
Jeremy could sort of parallel Gimli
and his love for pipe weed and axe wielding (though Jeremy is much nicer to look
Katherine could be a twisted
version of Galadriel
– the kind of Galadriel who would take the Ring.
Then there is Denethor, with his bad parent I-am-disappointed-in-you
attitude. Rings a bell? I’m thinking Bill Forbes.
The hundred dead witches might
equal the
Sleepless Dead, although the latter are much more efficient.
Boromir and Tyler have some things in common,
both (subconsciously) doing what they know is bad.
Could Bonnie go all evil, thus becoming like Saruman?
Gandalf is…unparalleled. This is the biggest problem. I don’t
think there is anyone in TVD who could equal Gandalf. So, we will have to wait and see
if there appears someone worth and capable of Gandalf’s greatness.
Do you think I’ve forgotten someone? For
instance, Aragorn?
I haven’t. But I had to save the best for the end.
Finally, there has to be someone who
possesses great knowledge, someone to guide the hobbits (and all other helpless
creatures), someone brave to lead the armies, someone to kindle hope when everyone
despairs, and someone moral to rule over the free people of the world in the
end. Who would that be? There is only one who can be all that: ELIJAH!
That's it. I had so much fun doing this. So, if you’re familiar with LoTR and TVD,
what do you think? Any suggestions?
Disclaimer: I do
not own any of the photos used in this post.