Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's My 2-year Bloggoversary!


I can't believe I've been blogging for two years! Woo-hoo!

As much as this deserves a big celebration, my budget doesn't allow me to treat you with a giveaway, but hey, there's always hope to next year (or sooner).

But, at least we can afford a happy song to bring on some cheer:

Thanks so much to all my followers and fellow book bloggers for making blogging such a wonderful experience! And thank you for all your kind words, and help and support! Again, basically all the book blogging community just being there makes me feel better sometimes.

Here's to all of you and more good (at least I'll aim for good) blog posts!



  1. Happy blog birthday! Cheers to you for two years of hard work! :)

  2. Happy Blogoversary!!!! Here's to many more! Cheers! :-)

  3. Happy blogoversary ladycakes!

  4. Congratulations on hitting the 2 year mark- here's to many more. :D

  5. Congratulations on your 2 year blogoversary!! A toast to you :0)

  6. Thanks so much, everyone! :)


Don't hesitate to drop me a few strange new words! I'd love to hear what you think!