Thursday, February 10, 2011

Trouble in High Heels by Christina Dodd

Trouble in High Heels (Fortune Hunter, #1)SUMMARY (by the publisher): Brandi Michaels, a young, gorgeous lawyer, moves to Chicago to join her fiancé, only to find out he's gone to Vegas to marry his pregnant girlfriend. She pawns the engagement ring, vamps herself up, and prepares to sleep with the first sexy man she meets that night. That man turns out to be a playboy Italian count and jewel thief, Roberto Bartolini, and the weekend is as hot and heavy as she could wish. On Monday, there’s another surprise – guess who turns out to be the client of her new law firm? Brandi not only gets to defend Roberto, who's accused of stealing a jewel, but to spend time with him 24/7, as a judge remands him into her custody. Can she reform this handsome bad boy in a hurry and prevent the jewel heist of the century in the process?


Trouble in High Heels is cooked by a clichéd recipe for a romance novel. The Guy is tall, dark and handsome, partly Italian, a little mysterious, possibly dangerous, and absolutely charming. The Girl is a bosomy blonde, but – wait – a lawyer, who takes things into her own hands.

Instead of sulking with a box of chocolates upon discovering her fiancé’s betrayal, she does what is usually considered a masculine way of coping with things. She decides to take revenge. Roberto Bartolini comes in perfect for her plan, but at the same time, he is quite a match and a challenge for her as she does not know whether she can trust him or not.

Dodd makes Trouble in High Heels intriguing exactly with that: the reader, as well as Brandi, cannot be sure until the end whether Roberto is a good or a bad guy. Add some unexpected twists in the plot, a lot of humour and a traditional happy-ever-after ending, and you get a perfect comfort food for a bad day.

RECOMMENDATION: This is a perfect book for taking a break from a troublesome day. Besides, which woman would not like her own Roberto Bartolini, if only fictional, at some point?


  1. Lovely, fun review! It's obvious you enjoyed the book. It doesn't have depth, but that's part of the fun. I haven't read anything by Christina Dodd yet, so maybe it's time I started it.

  2. Ooh, this book sounds like a fun read. I mainly read and review YA books, but I throw in some Adult titles in there every now and then.

    Great review. :) I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I plan to add this to my tbr/wish list now. Thanks!

  3. Great review! I think I'll try this one. Haven't read her work before. Light and fun - that's always a nice treat after a hectic day.


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