Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Overview and 2011 Reading Challenge(s)

It’s the last day of 2010, high time to do some re-counting, so here it is:

v    started book blogging: in July 2010
v    reviews written: 16
v    total posts published on this blog (the present included): 33
v    books read: between 20 to 30, I read some books before starting book blogging and forgot their titles, I also read some books not written English and not translated into English

Tracking the record of what I have read is my sore point, because I tend to remember the story but forget the title and the author. So, I decided to give myself a little challenge. I know there are many appealing challenges hosted by other book bloggers which I am tempted to join in but I am reluctant to do so because I am the kind of person who would then feel not just motivated but obligated to meet the whatever challenge’s goal and I am afraid reading would become a job instead of joy.

Therefore, I am setting my own personal challenge, which is:

v    to read 3 books by Jane Austen (shame on me, I have read only a few pages of Emma years ago and couldn’t force myself to continue, but I really like the films and series made after her books, so I’m giving her another try)
v    to read 3 of Harry Potter books  (yes, I have managed to skip those, too, until now)
v    to read 50 books between January 1st – December 31st 2011 (I think I can read one book a week)
v    to clean-up 10 books from my TBR shelf (they count among the 50)
v    rereads don’t count
v    books not written in English and not translated into English don’t count either

That’s it. Keep your fingers crossed. Whichever challenges you join in or set for yourself, I hope you meet the goal. 

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